Create your password
    1. Enter Your Case Number: Case number exactly as printed on your hospital case file or smartcard. Ensure the format is correct, with the correct number of digits and any required slashes or letters. Click the "Send OTP" button to receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number.
    2. Send OTP: Once you click this button, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. If the button is disabled, wait for the countdown to complete before attempting to resend the OTP.
    3. Enter OTP: Enter the OTP received on your mobile phone. This OTP is used to verify your identity (OTP is Valid for 10 Minutes).
    4. Enter Verification Code: Verification code is displayed as an image (captcha). Type the characters you see in the image into the provided field to prove you are not a robot. If you have difficulty reading the captcha, click the "Refresh" button to get a new image.
    5. Create Password: After entering the OTP and the verification code, click this button to proceed with creating a new password.